Knowing the city, discovering the look: an experience of education sheet with history and photography




Heritage Education, City, Photography


Refers to an action research project started in 1998 in the context of the School Education Program. For young people 14-17 years, aimed to promote the construction of knowledge about the history of the city of Salvador, considered referential identity, in the perspective and appreciation of life and all the heritage that surrounds it, as a principle of strengthening citizen participation in the individual and collective, local and global. Initial concern was to reflect on these issues in the city of Salvador, especially in historical regions and particularly in the historic center of Salvador, considered patrimony of humanity, referring to the concepts and weaknesses of public policies on the preservation and protection of historical, artistic, cultural and natural in Bahia. For that juxtaposes the work of the historian and photographer.


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Author Biography

Maria das Graças de Andrade Leal, Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)

Master in Regional and Local History from the State University of Bahia (UNEB)


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How to Cite

Leal, M. das G. de A. (2011). Knowing the city, discovering the look: an experience of education sheet with history and photography. História & Ensino, 17(1), 123–147.


