Construction and validation of a questionnaire to assess pedagogy students’ knowledge on specific learning disorder
Pedagogy, Dyslexia, Questionnaire, Education, Learning disabilities.Abstract
Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) is characterized by persistent difficulties in developing reading, writing, and math. It’s essential that teachers know their characteristics. The study aimed to develop a questionnaire to assess knowledge on SLD and to verify its psychometric properties. It was conducted a pilot study involving incoming and graduating students of pedagogy courses. Participated 178 students aged between 18 and 54, from 3 private higher education institutions. The results revealed adequate indexes of internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.738). Graduating students showed to have more knowledge than incoming students did, but with low results on some items. There was also a significant difference between institutions. There was no association of others factors, such as age, year, income, and work situation, with the students’ level of knowledge. Besides contributing to the questionnaire’s development, the results indicate the need to include courses on SLD in the curriculum of the pedagogy programs.
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