The intersection of shots by Nanni Moretti




Nanni Moretti, Autobiography, Il caimano.


The work fits in with a research program willing to understand the vision of the contemporary history of Italy according to partially autobiographical storylines, linked to group-related issues. We investigate cinematographic procedures that allow us to affirm that Nanni Moretti overcomes the political and revolutionary message, for his sight moves between past and present in order to interpret in a balanced way the political meaning and the complexity of the collective and individual crisis. The Reading considers the self-analysis of the main characters as reflections of the incoherences, hits and inheritances of the opposition forces disseminated since the 1960’s. Our aim is to analyze the treatment of the “Berlusconi Era” and the representation of the contradictions of a worrisome social landscape, political framework and cultural (mainly cinematographic) context.


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Author Biography

Gabriela Kvacek Betella, Universidade Estadual Paulista

PhD in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at FFLCH-USP, with post-doc at IEBUSP, professor at the Department of Modern Literature, area of Italian at the Faculty of Sciences and Letters of UNESP-Assis


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How to Cite

Betella, G. K. (2018). The intersection of shots by Nanni Moretti. Domínios Da Imagem, 12(22), 5–21.



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