Domenico Cresti (Passignano) and the imagectic representation of the Galilean Moon
Galilean moon, Domenico Cresti, Art and Science.Abstract
This research reports the imagery representation of the Moon of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception with Saints and Angels (1611) by Domenico Cresti (Passignano). Our goal is to defend this representation as the second Galilean Moon, that is, a moon cratered as presented Galileo Galilei in his work Sidereus nuncius (1610). Passignano was friend of the artist Lodovico Cardi (Cigoli), both realized paintings of Church Santa Maria Maggiore (place where the first cratered Moon). Cigoli corresponded with Galileo and exchanged information on the observations he and Passignano made. To present this debate we will present the life and work of Passignano, his relationship with Cigoli and Galileo and, finally, an imaginary analysis of his Moon at the feet of the Immaculate Conception. We will use as theoretical reference Panofsky (2007) and Bredekamp (2015). The research is composed of bibliographical and imaginary research and in the end will defend the possibility of Passignano represent the Galilean Moon. Passignano, Cigoli and Galilei allow the understanding of the relationship between the areas of Art and Science in the Renaissance.Downloads
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