Mutant metaphors of the imaginary: semiosis in contemporary Amazonian art
Communicative ecosystems, Art, Semiotics, Sociology of emergenciesAbstract
This paper discusses communicational ecosystem settings, from aspects of work "Ciclos do Eldorado” (Cycles of Eldorado), by visual artist Otoni Mesquita, which discusses the occupation of the Amazon and its consequences in contemporary society. The objective is to understand the relationship between body, mind and environment. The investigation combines semiotics in plot with other areas of knowledge, highlighting aspects of the imaginary and the sociology of emergences. The theoretical framework brings Lucia Santaella, Christine Greiner, and Boaventura de Sousa Santos, among other authors. Thus, it was possible to understand the ecosystem trajectories performed through memories and metamorphosis of art, configuring or reconfiguring cartographies signical, with their interrelationships and interdependencies in communicative flows.Downloads
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