Click… or bang? Images of death in historiography on photography
Photography, Meath, Images, Historiography.Abstract
Since the nineteenth century, photography has been articulated to an imaginary of modernity, insofar it would be a mechanical device capable of reproducing reality. In parallel, the photographic artifact was used to perform mortuary portraits, carrying out to the belief of the capture of the soul, animus and spirits, experiences not consistent to the lights of a certain reason. These articulations were perceived by the main theorists of the photographic image throughout twentieth and twentieth one centuries, as Susan Sontag, Phillipe Dubois, Roland Barthes and Boris Kossoy. Since those discussions, it paper intends to dialogue with the historiography on the relationship between photography, death and life. These reflections are part of an ongoing professor research at the Universidade Estadual de Maringá.Downloads
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