Aristotle, Sculpture and Photography: the question of revenge




Revenge, Image, Photography, Word, Aristotle.


Much is said, currently, about revenge and their reach: how far somebody can go when it comes to take revenge on someone; or, still, it is ethically and morally acceptable? It would not be a mere reproduction of human irrationality formed along the construction of society, “a kind of wild justice,” according to Bacon? If it is justifiable, to what extent could be feasible? And if revenge is the result of an error, a mistake? We could here raise several questions that would not be capable of being included in an article, however what we ask is: how revenge was treated over the centuries in literature and imagery representation. In addition, we ask ourselves: would it be possible to “take revenge”, employing the text and photography?


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Author Biography

Antônio Jackson de Souza Brandão, Universidade de São Paulo (USP/SP)

Master and PhD in Literature from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP/SP)


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How to Cite

Brandão, A. J. de S. (2012). Aristotle, Sculpture and Photography: the question of revenge. Domínios Da Imagem, 6(11), 7–24.



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