What do the actors demand before brazilian supreme court concerning labor matters?


  • Sayonara Grillo Coutinho Leonardo da Silva Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro UFRJ
  • Eleonora Kira Valdez de Moura CIRT - Configurações Institucionais e Relações de Trabalho – Rio de Janeiro




Judicial review, Labor matters, Brazilian Supreme Court.


The article intends to understand what do the actors demand before Brazilian Supreme Court in labor matters, by studying direct actions of unconstitutionality sued at moments of intense judicialisation, under the perspective which not only privileges the decisions, but also the arguments brought in the petitions, as a way to aprehend the multiple readings of labor rights in the field of constitutional interpretation. This research points to a new phenomenon: the involvement of actors other than traditional representatives of capital versus labor relationship, which reveals a field for several studies about the contribution of society in the creation of constitutional normative content.


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Author Biographies

Sayonara Grillo Coutinho Leonardo da Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro UFRJ

Master and Doctor of Legal Sciences PUC Rio Associate Professor Department of Social and Economic Law Post Graduate Program in Law from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Eleonora Kira Valdez de Moura, CIRT - Configurações Institucionais e Relações de Trabalho – Rio de Janeiro

Researcher at the Research Group Institutional Settings and Labor Relations - CIRT. Master of Laws - UFRJ. BS in Statistics - UERJ and in Law and Social Sciences UFRJ



How to Cite

Silva, S. G. C. L. da, & Valdez de Moura, E. K. (2014). What do the actors demand before brazilian supreme court concerning labor matters?. Revista Do Direito Público, 9(2), 115–133. https://doi.org/10.5433/1980-511X.2014v9n2p115


