Administrative discretion: limitations and jurisdictional control


  • Rubia Carolina dos Santos Rodrigues State University of Londrina



Administrative discretion, misuse of powers, compelling reasons, Because of the administrative and judicial control act.


The judicial review of administrative discretion is allowed when managing Public overflowing the limits prescribed by vigent juridic order and since the judicial review does not encroach on the administrative merit a vezque the administrator is subject to the principle of legality in the finalidadenormativa, the decisive reasons which led to practice administrativoe to act because of it. These are ceilings that limit the margin of liberdadeconferida by law the administrator for this, according to personal and deacordo with the opportunity and convenience of the act criteria, can achieve legal.A transgression purpose of these limits allows the action of the judiciary towards deajustar administrative conduct again the law, having a relationship deproporcionalidade between administrative discretion and controlejurisdicional, so that the scope of that control in relation to the Management atosdiscricionários can not go beyond legality and normative ends, being prohibited the judiciary to discuss the merits the decision.

Author Biography

Rubia Carolina dos Santos Rodrigues, State University of Londrina

Student of Law at the State University of Londrina



How to Cite

Rodrigues, R. C. dos S. (2006). Administrative discretion: limitations and jurisdictional control. Revista Do Direito Público, 1(3), 101–116.


