Union homosexual in the legal framework of Brazilian law: the crossing that was not completed


  • Liliane Cristina da Silva Souza Univesidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), Londrina
  • Lourival José de Oliveira State University of Londrina (UEL)




Homossexualidade, Afeto, Ordenamento jurídico.


This article is intended to compulsar the study on homosexual Union within the family, embarking on homosexual relationships, that every day is rising another step against the prejudice that plagues society, also noting the socio-legal bipartition in the form of the face that are outside of a 'standard' culturally regarded as 'socially acceptable', in fact, favors the occurrence of a 'modus operandi' discriminatory, whose beginnings are from the Indians to homosexuals. And in this vein, is that it will be asked what reason would the law, not to protect the personal relationships of people of the same sex, that is, the law does not regulate the gay marriage as an institution sui generis' family law, although there are some states equating gay marriage not as a marriage, but how stable or actually union. This infers then that this question did not get an answer, but that may lead thoughts around this issue, so that possibly arise solutions that can contribute to a better life of homosexuals.


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Author Biographies

Liliane Cristina da Silva Souza, Univesidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), Londrina

Authoress. Lawyer. Postgraduate in Business Law.

Lourival José de Oliveira, State University of Londrina (UEL)

Teacher of the Law School of the State University of Londrina; Master's Course teacher at the State University of Londrina; Teacher of Law School of the University of Northern Paraná (UNOPAR); Teacher Master in Law at the University of Marilia; Professor of Law Course of FACCAR.



How to Cite

Souza, L. C. da S., & Oliveira, L. J. de. (2008). Union homosexual in the legal framework of Brazilian law: the crossing that was not completed. Revista Do Direito Público, 3(2), 235–253. https://doi.org/10.5433/1980-511X.2008v3n2p235


