Violence Against Women and the Law Maria da Penha


  • Jozi Rubia Ingnácio Duarte Univesidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), Londrina
  • Ana Claudia Duarte Pinheiro UEL
  • Deborah Lídia Lobo Muniz UEL
  • Simone Brun UEL



Violence, Women, Gender, Law, Maria da Penha.


This article aims to enter the field of legal defense of Brazilian women, against violence of all kinds which it has suffered over time, analyzes the current legislation and legal practices in favor of women and the impact of the law Maria da Penha.


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Author Biographies

Jozi Rubia Ingnácio Duarte, Univesidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), Londrina

Bacharel do 5º ano/2007 de Direito do Centro Universitário Filadélfia – UNIFIL, Londrina-Pr.

Ana Claudia Duarte Pinheiro, UEL

Master in Law Negotiating in UEL. Professor of Environmental Law course at the State University of Londrina - UEL and Philadelphia University Center - UNIFIL Londrina-Pr. - Guiding the article and the examination board member.

Deborah Lídia Lobo Muniz, UEL

Master of Laws State and Citizenship at the University Gama Filho - RJ, Professor of Ethics of Legal Professions of Philadelphia University Center - UNIFIL, Londrina-Pr. Member of the examination board.

Simone Brun, UEL

Master of Human Rights of Philadelphia University Center - UNIFIL and FACCAR, Londrina-Pr. - Supervisor of course conclusion work which led to the article.



How to Cite

Ingnácio Duarte, J. R., Duarte Pinheiro, A. C., Lobo Muniz, D. L., & Brun, S. (2009). Violence Against Women and the Law Maria da Penha. Revista Do Direito Público, 4(1), 236–246.


