Manly or non-manly: that’s the question in a short story by Marcelo Mirisola




Masculinity, Patriarchal virility, Brasilian tale, Marcelo Mirisola


O herói devolvido (2000) is a short story book by Marcelo Mirisola, a Sao Paulo writer, who incorporates the masculine in the first person as the protagonist of almost all his narratives. In various plots, and by means of an acid language, Mirisola exposes the exercise of virility as a generator of violence whose victims are, above all, women and, through an extended observation, the protagonists themselves. In this work, the protagonists are hetero-normative and debauched men who, in everyday situations, are unable to develop consistent meaningful relationships with other characters, for displaying a perverse virility. This article investigates how virility shown by the protagonist of the short story “Anelise (or Arariboia, the Returned Hero)” dominates him and exposes the fragility of his invented masculinity.


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Author Biographies

Claudicélio Rodrigues da Silva, Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC

Department of Literature, Postgraduate Program in Letters, Federal University of Ceará.

Ilca Andréa Barroso de Carvalho, Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC

Master's student in Comparative Literature at the Federal University of Ceará


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How to Cite

Silva, Claudicélio Rodrigues da, and Ilca Andréa Barroso de Carvalho. “Manly or Non-Manly: That’s the Question in a Short Story by Marcelo Mirisola”. Terra Roxa E Outras Terras: Revista De Estudos Literários, vol. 40, Sept. 2021, pp. 79-88, doi:10.5433/1678-2054.2021v40p79.