African children literature in Brazil: a bibliographical research




Children’s literature, African literature in Portuguese, Reading


The purpose of this paper is to analyze some works from Portuguese-speaking African countries (PALOP) writers published in Brazil intended to child readers. Nowadays, in the PALOP, there are two well-stablished literary systems: Angola and Mozambique. The first country has a great concern about culture and literature after its independence in 1975. The Angolan Writers Union (UEA) and the National Book and Disc Institute (INALDI) promoted and published several works intended to the formation of a child reader audience. In Mozambique, the Mozambican Writers Association (AEMO) engaged in the same task. We notice that well-known children’s literature authors in the PALOP were not published in Brazil, for example: Gabriela Antunes, Dario de Melo and Cremilda Lima. However, well-known writers such as Mia Couto, Ondjaki, José Luandino Vieira, José Eduardo Agualusa and Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa, for example, have published works available in our country. Thus, young Brazilian readers have access to quality works in which African culture is shown by writers from the PALOP. We intend, therefore, to ponder about some of these books, in order to contextualize and, mainly, prove the relevance of these lesser-known works in Brazil.


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Author Biography

Demétrio Alves Paz, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul

Master of Arts from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Doctor in Theory of Literature from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. Adjunct Professor 4 of Literary Theory and Portuguese Language Literatures at the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul.


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How to Cite

Paz, Demétrio Alves. “African Children Literature in Brazil: A Bibliographical Research”. Terra Roxa E Outras Terras: Revista De Estudos Literários, vol. 33, May 2017, pp. 42-52, doi:10.5433/1678-2054.2017v33p52.

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