The Pulp Era Ecoes in Brazil: Gothic and Decadentism in Gastão Cruls




Pulp fiction, Gothic, Decadent movement, Gastão Cruls


The early 20th century USA, the period of intense production and consumption of low cost fiction magazines, is known as the Pulp Era. Even though one cannot affirm there has been a Pulp Era in Brazil, at least not in the same terms as the American one, some Brazilian writers have flirted with the genre’s characteristic features and themes. Amongst these writers, Gastão Cruls produced short stories and novels which reveal traces of the Gothic, the Decadent movement and the American pulp magazines.


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Author Biography

Júlio França, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Master and Doctor of Letters - Comparative Literature, from Universidade Federal Fluminense. Adjunct Professor at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.


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BARRETO, Lima. “À Margem do Coivara, de Gastão Cruls” Impressões de Leitura. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Brasiliense, 1956. 86-91.

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CARROLL, Noël. The philosophy of horror or the paradoxes of heart. Nova York, NY: Routledge, 1990.

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How to Cite

França, Júlio. “The Pulp Era Ecoes in Brazil: Gothic and Decadentism in Gastão Cruls”. Terra Roxa E Outras Terras: Revista De Estudos Literários, vol. 26, Dec. 2013, pp. 7-17, doi:10.5433/1678-2054.2013v26p7.