About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Terra Roxa e Outros Terras: Revista de Estudos Literários (ISSN 1678-2054) is a biannual publication of the Graduate Program in Letters at the State University of Londrina. All published items are individually identified by a DOI.

Available in Open Access, under CC-BY license, the journal welcomes and disseminates critical studies, interviews and reviews in the field of Literary Studies. Articles must make a relevant contribution to scientific knowledge and critical debate in the field of Literary Studies, normally published twice a year in dossiers. The interviews are intended for the discussion of a relevant problem with an expert, and the reviews for the dissemination and critical appreciation of recently published books in the field of Literary Studies. The interviews and reviews are done by professors/researchers invited by the Editorial Board.

The dossiers are in consonance with the research areas of the Graduate Program in Letters: (1) representations and textualities, (2) intermedialities and new artistic forms, and (3) identitary constructs and processes.

The originals can be presented in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish (in foreign languages, the author must be a native speaker). No fees are charged for article submission or publication.

The journal preserves at least eighty percent of its space for external contributions to the Graduate Program in Letters at UEL.

Journal history

Created in 2002, in honor of the homonymous modernist magazine and since its first issue in digital format, the journal was hosted until 2016 at the following link - http://www.uel.br/pos/letras/terraroxa.

Volumes 1 through 11 (2002-2007), with general headlines, were edited by the following editors:

7 to 11 - Adelaide Caramuru Cezar

5 and 6 - Regina Helena Machado Aquino Corrêa

4 - Regina Célia dos Santos Alves

3 - Regina Helena Machado Aquino Corrêa

2 - Alamir Aquino Corrêa

1 - Henrique Manuel Avila

From volume 12 onwards, thematic dossiers are published, under the coordination of one or more editors.