Narrative of sexual violence: case of the Centro de Atendimento Integrado 18 de Maio


  • Clawdemy Feitosa e Silva Higher Institute of Police Sciences (ISCP / PMDF), Advisor at the National School of Socio-Education (ENS / UnB).
  • Sidelmar Alves da Silva Kunz Inep Researcher and Specialist Advisor at UnB and UFG.
  • João Carlos Felix de Lima Professor and Researcher at the Higher Institute of Police Sciences (ISCP).



Sexual violence. Protection net. ECA.


The objective of this paper is to analyze the humanized good practices and recommendations for a public policy of the State, with cut in the Centro de Atendimento Integrado 18 de Maio, aimed at the care of children and adolescents victims of violence, today, installed in the Federal District (Brazil), in 2016. What would be the best practices in the care of these children and adolescents, victims of sexual violence, in order to become recommendations of state public policies, with consequent expansion of new centers? In methodological terms, the data were consolidated based on a literature review of recent publications of the ONG Childhood, from 2014 to 2018, empirical studies and theoretical essays published in the scientific literature, emphasizing the peculiarities of the institutional, social, cultural and economic reality of Federal District. In the analysis, the reports and the actions of experiences of the rights subjects (children and adolescents) regarding the complaints received by Dial 100 are considered, in the context of the submission of the victim (child and adolescent) to the re-presentation of narrative of sexual violence and its consequences. for these guys. Good practices are part of the service process and are responsible for the quality of work performed by specialized professionals. It is also pointed out that the lack of interaction and promotion between the other organs of the safety net can cause serious problems in the implementation of state public policies.


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Author Biographies

Clawdemy Feitosa e Silva, Higher Institute of Police Sciences (ISCP / PMDF), Advisor at the National School of Socio-Education (ENS / UnB).

Master in Human Rights (UnB), Theologian (Kúrios College), Technologist in Public Security (UCB), Pedagogue (UnB) and specializing in Interdisciplinary Teaching in Childhood and Human Rights (UFG). Professor at the Higher Institute of Police Sciences (ISCP / PMDF), Advisor at the National School of Socio-Education (ENS / UnB) and Evaluator at MEC.

Sidelmar Alves da Silva Kunz, Inep Researcher and Specialist Advisor at UnB and UFG.

Inep Researcher and Specialist Advisor at UnB and UFG. PhD student in Education (UnB), Master in Geography (UnB), Specialist in Ontology and Epistemology (Unyleya), Specialist in School Supervision (Northwestern Minas School), Full Degree in Geography (UEG) and graduating in Pedagogy (UEG).

João Carlos Felix de Lima, Professor and Researcher at the Higher Institute of Police Sciences (ISCP).

PhD in Literary Theory and Criticism, Master in Brazilian Literature and Graduated in Portuguese Letters from the University of Brasília (UnB). Professor and Researcher at the Higher Institute of Police Sciences (ISCP).


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How to Cite

SILVA, Clawdemy Feitosa e; KUNZ, Sidelmar Alves da Silva; LIMA, João Carlos Felix de. Narrative of sexual violence: case of the Centro de Atendimento Integrado 18 de Maio. Serviço Social em Revista, [S. l.], v. 22, n. 1, p. 157–176, 2019. DOI: 10.5433/1679-4842.2019v22n1p157. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.


