A construção de uma sequência didática na formação docente inicial de língua inglesa
English language pre-service teacher education, Didactic sequence, External and internal organizationAbstract
This research paper presents an analysis of a didactic sequence (DS), developed by two pre-service English language teachers of (PSELT) during their practicum in a public university in the state of Paraná. The DS - based on the sitcom ‘Friends’ - is designed for a third grade class at a public High School. We intend to investigate the configurations of the DS considering its external organization (language capacities) and internal organization (coherence of aims). Concerning the DS external organization, the results show that there is a juxtaposition of tasks focusing on action capacities and linguistic discursive capacities. Regarding its internal organization, the objectives are only partially achieved. The results indicate the need for PSELTs to reflect on the DS’s successive changes.