Teacher training and fomenting literary readership at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro's Pedagogical Residency Program
theories and practices
Residência Pedagógica, Formação de professoresAbstract
In 2022, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro joined for the first time the Pedagogical Residency Program launched that same year by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. This paper analyses the activities developed by the sub-project "Teaching literature from the 6th to the 9th grade: theories and practices for developing literary readers" at three federal schools: the Laboratory School of UFRJ, the Pedro II College at Tijuca, and the Pedro II College at Engenho. These grades were chosen due to the disbelief held by many that literature could be taught at this education level on account of associating literature with High School and literary historiography. The activities conducted at these three schools emphasized building communities of readers and literary education (Colomer, 2011) considering the residents' role as future teachers and educator of literary readers at schools.
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Copyright (c) 2024 André Luís Mourão de Uzêda, Juliana Berlim, Marcos Vinícius Scheffel, Victor Figueiredo Souza Vasconcellos
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