Dialectometrical study of the Semantic and Lexical of the Great ABC Region (ASL_ABC)





Língua Portuguesa, Variação linguística, Dialetometria


Through dialectological, geolinguistic, sociolinguistic studies, among others, researchers direct their attention to different aspects of the language and types of variation. These studies provide us with the opportunity to understand more accurately, describe and measure the performance of linguistic phenomena related to social, cultural, historical, political, regional and other factors. However, the volume of data processed in such studies is gigantic and has become increasingly larger. Often, only with the help of technological resources can we carry out research that, in the not-too-distant past, would have been impossible. Given this brief reflection, we started from the records of the Semantic-lexical Atlas of the Great ABC Region and, following the theoretical-methodological principles of the Salzburg Dialectometric School, we aimed to present in this article a dialectometric study, with the help of the DiaTech software. This tool allows you to approach a large number of data from a linguistic atlas, to relate two or more points of research, helping to create an overview and patterns of diatopic variation. According to Saramago (2020), Dialectometry allows greater use of existing material in linguistic atlases and enables the discovery of relationships that would be hidden with the application of the qualitative or traditional method in data analysis.


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Author Biography

Adriana Cristina Cristianini, Federal University of Uberlândia

Doutora em Linguística pela Universidade de São Paulo (2007). Professora Doutora Associada III_UFU.


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How to Cite

CRISTIANINI, Adriana Cristina. Dialectometrical study of the Semantic and Lexical of the Great ABC Region (ASL_ABC). Signum: Estudos da Linguagem, [S. l.], v. 26, n. 3, p. 78–101, 2024. DOI: 10.5433/2237-4876.2023v26n3p78-101. Disponível em: https://ojs.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/signum/article/view/49023. Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.