Brazil Exam, Portuguese Language, Teaching.Abstract
This text aims at investigating how the teaching of the Portuguese Language becomes a school subject in Brazil and, from this investigation, it also aims at analyzing the PDE – Education Development Plan (2009) to comprehend how its assessment instrument of the quality of Brazilian elementary education is organized, that is, the Brazil Exam, which evaluates the students’ performance in Portuguese Language and Mathematics. This study is based on researches that took place in Brazil, in History of Education area, whose focus is on the history of the Portuguese Language subject. Besides these researches, it is also take into consideration the PCNs and PDE, published in 2009, which presents the whole planning to the Brazil Exam, including its referential curricular directives, conceptions of language teaching, methodologies of elaboration
and evaluation of the proposed tasks. This way, the specific objective of this text is to investigate in which way the Brazil Exam can be understood as an assessment instrument or beyond this.