What Does Thomas F. Broden Think of “the Black Boxes” in Greimasian Semiotics
Black Boxes, Semiotics, GreimasAbstract
This work is the result of research with twelve “disciples” of Greimas about the possible “black boxes” in his
semiotiocs and seeks to answer the following questions: Did “the black boxes” exist? If they did, what were
they? What do Greimas followers have to say? Initiated in 2014, the research project “Black boxes” and the
importance of French semiotics in the analysis of verbal, non-verbal and syncretic discourse” lasted seven years
and approached the survey through readings of articles and books, the contributions of semioticians such as José
Luiz Fiorin, Luís Hébert, Silvio de Santana Jr, Nícia Ribas D'Ávila, Ignácio de Assis Silva, Edward Lopes,
Arnaldo Cortina, Edna Fernandes, Ronald Schleifer and Louis Hébert, among others, through interviews
regarding the development of Greimas' semiotic theory. In this article, an interview with one of the responsible
of spreading the semiotics of Greimas into the United States, the semiotician Thomas F. Broden who is in the
phase of a final production of a book on Greimas’ life.
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