Oral Genres in the Portuguese Language Textbook
an analysis of the collection "se liga na língua"
Oral discourse/textual genres, Textbook, TeachingAbstract
The present article aims to analyze how the Portuguese Language textbook "Se liga na língua" suggests the approach of oral discursive/textual genres in the Final Years of Elementary School based on the assumption that, although the oral language, defined by the current Common National Curricular Base as one of the axes for the teaching of mother tongue, has, in recent decades, achieved advances, it still remains secondary and far from reaching the status of autonomous teaching object. In order to respond to this goal, we base ourselves on the enunciative-discursive perspective of language, while electing as methodological resource the perspective of dialogic discourse analysis. In this sense, the corpus selected for analysis was the teaching collection "Se Liga na Língua, Leitura, Produção de Texto e Linguagem, 2018", adopted in the PNLD 2019. The results of our analyses evidence both the quantitative and qualitative scarcity of oral discursive/textual genres made available in the textbook, whether due to the difficulties of transposition from oral to print, the conceptions that tie the appropriation of oral to the school context, or the very culture of overlapping writing over oral that permeates both the linguistic actions of society as well as those of the school context.
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