Contributions by Ludoviko Carnasciali Dos Santos to the Linguistic Studies of Indigenous Languages in Brazil – Posthumous Homage
Ludoviko Carnasciali dos Santos, tribute, indigenous languages, Jê languagesAbstract
This paper is a posthumous tribute to Prof. Ludoviko Carnasciali dos Santos, a linguist who contributed significantly to studies of Brazilian Indigenous Languages, especially those affiliated with the Jê family (Macro-Jê). We highlight biographical information about him, his inclination towards linguistic studies since he was a child, the beginning of his academic career, the privilege of having been a student of prominent linguists in the field of linguistic studies of indigenous languages, such as Aparecida Barbosa, Lucy Seki and Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, his main scientific works and, finally, we emphasize the influence that his studies on the Kĩsêdjê language (Suyá) had in linguistic research on grammatical properties typical of Jê languages. We close the paper by emphasizing his commitment and dedication to the promotion and dissemination of research in the academic area of studies on Indigenous Languages, where his legacy remains alive for the new generations of linguists.
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