Teaching English to Children Up to the Age of Six:
reports on south america and brazil
English teaching, Early childhood education, Educational policies.Abstract
This paper presents different realities concerning the practices of teaching English to children
up to 6 years old, with examples from different parts of South America, Brazil and its states.
It is originally part of a master’s degree dissertation interested in the scenario of Guarapuava,
a city from south Brazil, which explains the presented data tending to this region. This
is a bibliographical review, developed based on previously elaborated materials, with the
purpose of understanding the theme from different perspectives. It is understood that, by
having common characteristics, the countries (also states and cities) involved in the study can
structure themselves as a support network, sharing their achievements and failures. Because
of the scarcity of the offer and studies about this topic, it has sometimes become necessary
to address language teaching for older children. The knowledge gap reinforces the need to
discuss the topic and the bias of the results, which point to the private education network as
the main scenario for this practice, bringing to light the relevance of the implementation of
public policies for the democratization of access.
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