Command Enunciations of the ENEM exam and their relation with problem-solving competences and capacities
ENEM exam, Sociodiscursive interactionism, Evaluation.Abstract
This work presents some reflections on the ENEM exam as an evaluation textual genre, seen not only as a structural construction codified by language elements with the mere purpose of evaluating the reading and text-producing “competences” “apprehensible” in the answers given to the questions, but as the locus of a relationship of multiple aspects that encompass an agent’s language action, which happens by means of a text – empirical materiality, whose internal organizational properties are determined by this generating action. Available in the architext (BRONCKART, 2006, p. 145) of our community, we intend to analyze from the perspective of the sociodiscursive interactionism, the complexity of the language operations that abundantly permeate the exam and constitute the genre. Considering that the ENEM evaluates teaching to a certain extent, we presume that, to search for a better perception of the operating mechanisms between teaching/learning and evaluation is of great social importance as it may foster initiatives of revision and reassessment of the PCNEM, of the material provided by the National Plan of Textbooks (Plano Nacional do Livro Didático – PNLD) and of the curricular structure designed by the schools that work with high school students.
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