The Counterword in Text Revision and Rewriting Processes
counterword, revision and rewriting, school abstractAbstract
In this study, we aim investigate how ‘counterword’ is built within written discourses of students and how the revision and rewriting processes can contribute towards 'counterword' manifestation in texts produced in a teaching situation. For that achievement, we are based on the dialogic concept in language learning process (BAKHTIN, 2003; BAKHTIN/VOLOCHINOV, 2010) and in the considerations on revision and rewriting processes (MENEGASSI, 1998; JESUS, 2004; RUIZ, 2010). In the study, we analyzed the written textual production process of the discursive genre school abstract, produced by students, considering: a) the orientations present in the command of production; b) the first version of the student's text; c) corrections made in the teacher review process; d) the second version of the text produced. The analysis showed transformations of “other’s word” into “mine word” and the contributions of the teacher's correction to students textual production and to ‘counterword’ manifestation.Downloads
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