On the Reflective Accounts of Supervised Teacher Training in Portuguese Language: the question of the utterance pattern
Written utterance, Supervised Teacher Training, Utterance PatternAbstract
In the light of Benveniste’s theorizations on written utterance, we aim at discussing and analyzing how students in Portuguese language and literature from a federal institution produces their "reflective accounts" of supervised teacher training. We take into account that, at the time of writing, the student, as a speaker, must deal with the implicit and explicit coercions of the "reflective account" genre, which is part of the "final report" genre, and with the coercions of "discourse situation", based on the contingency of the classroom. In this way, through writing, the students (re)elaborate their experience of supervised teacher training, given the process of metaphorization, which is composed of three distinct periods that constitute the narrativity of the experience: the period of the fact lived, the period of writing and the period of reading. The analyses, based on discursive decoupage , show the scatter points of the student’s writing, since, in reporting the allegedly successful experience in supervised teacher training, points of contradiction mark the student’s utterance pattern of written statements, denoting clearly the student’s process of identification with certain spaces of interpretation that the utterance pattern implies.Downloads
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