Lexical study of variation in the Pará Amazon: a look on the linguistic atlas of Brazil
Dialetologia, Sociolinguística, Variação-Lexical.Abstract
This article presents an analysis of the semantic-lexical occurrences of speech of residents located in rural Pará Amazon, compared to proposals from the Linguistic Atlas of Brazil (COMITÊ NACIONAL, 2001). Data were collected in situ by applying the Semantic-Lexical Questionnaire (QSL), composed of fourteen semantic fields for four informants that linguistic point. Analyzes were made with the intention of fulfilling the diatopical, diageneric and diageracional dimensions the variation in the speech of informants. This study was also guided by theoretical and methodological assumptions of Sociolinguistics, Dialectology and Linguistic Geography. Therefore, the research appealed to authors like Cardoso and Ferreira (1994), Aguilera (2005), Brandão (2005) and Labov (2008), among others. The results presented in language letters show the importance of dialectologies research to the knowledge of lexical norm of a geographic space, with high productivity variants for the same semantic content and not coincident with the Alib.Downloads
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How to Cite
FEITEIRO, Sandra Regina; SILVA, Soorro Cardoso; FEITEIRO, Sandra Regina. Lexical study of variation in the Pará Amazon: a look on the linguistic atlas of Brazil. Signum: Estudos da Linguagem, [S. l.], v. 18, n. 1, p. 157–181, 2015. DOI: 10.5433/2237-4876.2015v18n1p157. Disponível em: https://ojs.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/signum/article/view/20335. Acesso em: 4 jan. 2025.
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