“Culture Axis x Health Axis”: an analysis of Covid-19
Covid-19, Social isolation, PandemicAbstract
This article aims to analyze the impacts of Covid-19 on Londrina society, based on interviews carried out by the project “Covid-19: Experiences and Reports”. The methodology consists of a qualitative analysis, centered on focusing on the statements of the social actors involved, the speeches and meanings perceived by them during the pandemic. For theoretical basis, authors who thought about the pandemic were used (Davis; Klein, 2020; Fuks, 2022; Krenak, 2020). Two axes of the project were made as objects of discussion throughout our scientific initiation research: Culture Axis and Health Axis. The statements indicated three topics to be debated: Ideology and Politics; Importance of Life; and the issue of Remote and In-person. In short, it is understood that Covid-19 has impacted several areas and aspects of Londrina society, according to the analysis of the statements, it is concluded that the experiences and reports of each interviewee reflect the values and focus constituted by the experience and journey of each individual as a historical subject in society.
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