The diversity of healing systems and their implications for nursing care
Nursing care, Transcultural nursing, Medical anthropology, Popular culture, Cultural diversityAbstract
The aim of this study is to understand the diversity of healing systems and their relationships with nursing care. A theoretical and narrative study that uses the literature in the areas of anthropology and transcultural nursing in the construction of an argumentative itinerary around how nursing can position itself in the face of the varied systems of healing existing and operative in the contemporary world. The notions of health and disease are approached as biocultural realities that compose healing systems with which nursing deals in its daily practice. It is necessary to consider the intersubjective and social character of the cure, pointing out the relations between individual and society as essential in this process, which crosses the way in which the health practices aimed at healing and the caring process are constructed and legitimized. The dichotomy of curing/treating versus caring should be based on these different systems, prioritizing a culture notion that integrates the production of professional responses to situations involving body, health and disease in the struggle of everyday life. These reflections aim to instrumentalize nurses for the development of professional competences that consider socio-anthropological aspects related to the health-disease-care process.
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