Reflecting upon the national examination of "Good" Teachers
Good teacher, National teaching exam, Teachers' Enem.Abstract
What characterizes a "good" teacher? Are you born? Do you become one? The idea of a teacher as a vocation profession calls into question the teacher education that has been the subject of numerous studies about undergraduate courses spread throughout the country. Rios (2001), when he proposes a reflection on quality teaching that surpasses the merely technical vision, throws a glance at the teaching competence under several attributes that aim at an ethical and competent work. Even considering all the competencies conferred on the "good teacher", discussed by authors such as Duarte (2001), Rios (2001) and Facci (2004), the first objective of this study will be to reflect on the attributes that have been considered in the proposal of the National Teacher Examination defended by the MEC / INEP, being named by some authors as the "ENEM of teachers". In documentary analysis, we find a number of values that are attributed to the "good" teacher. Thus, adopting the presuppositions of the qualitative approach, through the technique of documentary research, questions will be raised on what is intended with this examination, considering the aspects that the document attests that characterize a "good teacher". Thus, this paper aims to contribute to a reflection about the role to be played by what is expected of the "good" teacher, taking into account the pragmatic, instrumental and marketing appeals present in the discourse that is announced in the document analyzed.Downloads
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