Real-life study of the epidemiological profile and adherence to the treatment of patients with severe allergic asthma using Omalizumab for 12 months
Severe allergic asthma, Omalizumab, Adherence.Abstract
Introduction: asthma is a hetereogeneous disease, characterized by chronic inflammation of the lower airways associated with different phenotypes. Omalizumab is used in addition to treatment when adequate asthma control is not achieved. This study shows the epidemiological profile and the adherence to the treatment of patients followed at the Medical Clinic of the State University Hospital of Londrina (AEHU-UEL) using omalizumab in the last 12 months. Methods: severe allergic asthma patients using omalizumab in the last 12 months were evaluated by means of secondary medical records. Results: forty patients were included and had complete medical record. The average age was 51.4 years mostly women (70%), white (48%), non-smoker (90%), overweight or obese (75%) and childhood asthma diagnosis (45%). The average treatment time was 8.1 years (SD0.8). There were co-morbidities in 85% of the patients, mainly rhinitis in 62.5% and GERD in 40%. There were exacerbations in 29 patients, leading to 8 hospitalizations (27.5%), 93% of exacerbators was missed at least one time. Strong association with rhinitis (p=0.07), and no disease control (p=0.22). Conclusion: the sample is comparable to other real-life studies in almost all epidemiological findings (age, sex, phenotype, time of diagnosis, disease control and smoking). The high number of absences and frequency of GERD and other comorbidities, and poor adhesion, may justify the high number of exacerbations and more difficulty to control the disease.Downloads
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