Project of a cogeneration system using biogas
Decentralized energy, Biogas, Methane, CogenerationAbstract
Brazil has been among the countries with the cleanest energy matrix in the world. The country showed high growth rates on the economy during the first years of the 21st, which brought to a rapid demand on energy supply. The situation got worser with long dry seasons, resulting on the commissioning of several thermoelectric plants. In the sugar-alcohol sector, the cogeneration became essential. In this context, the use of biomass for the generation and burning of biogas shows great potential in the production of electricity and heat. The discussed study involves the design of a biogas cogeneration system for the Federal University of São Carlos. The considered biomass originates from the campus itself and is composed of organic waste. The system consists of a modified diesel engine, accoupled to an electric generator and three heat exchangers. The monthly production of electricity is 7,7 MWh with a power of 30 kW. The monthly production of thermal energy is 9,8 MWh with a power of 37,6 kW. The costs are quoted adding up to R$ 162,877.00 for the complete system. The annual savings with the system is estimated at R$ 91,126.40, reaching an amortization time of one year and ten months.Downloads
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