Imunidades parlamentares

Imunidades parlamentares


  • Antonio Edving Caccuri Universidade Estadual de Londrina



The elaboration of this study, of limited proportions, is inspired by the aim of distinguishing some of the most important aspects of parliamentary immunities - a theme that has recently gained the attention of few scholars - without the least velleity of exhausting the matter in terms of either depth or extent. Some or said aspects, requiring more prolonged consideration, such as those of the crisis of the classic conceptions of the tripartite partition of power, the representative principle, and orthodox federalism, which are encountered at the base of the very foundations of the institution, could not otherwise be touched upon. Following the initial considerations and the historical part, the study limits itself to focusing upon juridical features, inasmuch as, leaving in parentheses the author's inclinations, it attempts to unfold exclusively in the light of the constitutional ordination presently in vigor in Brazil.


Author Biography

Antonio Edving Caccuri, Universidade Estadual de Londrina


Docente da Universidade Estadual de Londrina.


How to Cite

Caccuri, A. E. (2010). Imunidades parlamentares. Semina: Ciências Exatas E Tecnológicas, 3(9), 15–28.



Original Article