Comparações entre três critérios de adoção de papéis sexuais no brinquedo

Comparações entre três critérios de adoção de papéis sexuais no brinquedo


  • Maria Aparecida Trevisan Zamberlan Universidade Estadual de Londrina



Having in mind the importance of cultural control over the sex atribute in child development, this research was done having as a general aim the characterization of some adoption criteria of sex-roles in playing. Specific samples were used for each criterion. For Criterion, I, 75 children were studied, being 50 of them attending first and second grades; 25, attending fourth and fifth grades, and also 15 undergraduate adults. All these children and adults belong ed to middle class. The material used was 25 slides of toys wich were projected to be labeled as sexual or assexual. The results pointed little differences in labeling of toys between the groups of children attending first and second grades, and fourth and fifth grades. The results between the groups of children and group adults pointed more significant differences in theatributions than the results of comparison between the two groups of children. For Criterion II, 60 children from 9 to 10 years old, 50%of each sex, were studied. This criterion consisted of making evident the games, plays and activities usually adopted by children within a list of 50 items. The results showed clear and significant proportions for 50% of the 24 items of commom choices, and some of the remaining items were pointed exclusively by girls, and others, exclusively by boys. For Criterion III, 100 children were studied: 40 children attended fourth grade and 60 attented third grade, being 50% of each sex. The procedures consisted of labeling and making choices of toy items listed in ten pairs. The results showed little differences in the choice of items by boys and girls.


Author Biography

Maria Aparecida Trevisan Zamberlan, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Professora Assistente de Psicologia e Desenvolvimento no Departamento de Psicologia Geral e Experimental da UEL. Mestre em Psicologia pela Universidade de São Paulo.




How to Cite

Zamberlan, M. A. T. (2000). Comparações entre três critérios de adoção de papéis sexuais no brinquedo. Semina: Ciências Exatas E Tecnológicas, 2(5), 11–21.



Original Article