Evaluation of Intergranular Corrosion in 7050-T7451 Aluminum Structures Influenced by Temperature and Contact with Cutting Fluid

Evaluation of Intergranular Corrosion in 7050-T7451 Aluminum Structures Influenced by Temperature and Contact with Cutting Fluid





7050-T7451 aluminum alloy, intergranular corrosion, cutting fluid, mechanical resistance


This research presents a practical approach to the development of the intergranular corrosion in 7050 - T7451 aluminum alloy used in the construction of manifold components of an aircraft structure. At first, it is presented what type of corrosion this is and how it develops in the crystalline structure, noting which variables contribute to the aggravation of this problem and their impacts on aviation, since this is the beginning of a number of structural defects included fatigue, which stands out even more because of the circumstances that are presented. The performance of the tests in laboratory seeks to evaluate the reactions of the material when exposed to cutting fluid and thermal variations for a long period; the development of corrosion in the microstructure has been simulated, and with this the loss of mechanical resistance of the samples could be evaluated. The results obtained indicate that the cutting fluid even slowly, showed effects in the propagation of corrosion in the alloy of aluminum studied and reduced your mechanical strength.


Author Biographies

Murillo de Moraes Valentim, Federal Technological University of Paraná - UFTPR

Master's Student, Postgraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering, UTFPR, Cornélio Procópio, Paraná, Brazil. 

Janaina Fracaro de Souza Gonçalves, Federal Technological University of Paraná - UFTPR

Dr. Prof., Postgraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering, UTFPR, Cornélio Procópio, Paraná, Brazil.

Alisson Lemos dos Santos, Federal Technological University of Paraná - UFTPR

Mechanical Engineer, Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering, UTFPR, Cornélio Procópio, Paraná, Brazil.

Vinícius José Sichieri, Federal Technological University of Paraná - UFTPR

Mechanical Engineer, Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering, UTFPR, Cornélio Procópio, Paraná, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Valentim, M. de M., Gonçalves, J. F. de S., Santos, A. L. dos, & Sichieri, V. J. (2023). Evaluation of Intergranular Corrosion in 7050-T7451 Aluminum Structures Influenced by Temperature and Contact with Cutting Fluid. Semina: Ciências Exatas E Tecnológicas, 44, e47981. https://doi.org/10.5433/1679-0375.2023.v44.47981




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