Alteration of babassu biodiesel properties through camphor and biodiesel of tung

Alteration of babassu biodiesel properties through camphor and biodiesel of tung




Blends, Biofuel, Natural additives, Freezing point, Viscosity


Babassu oil is extracted from the babassu palm, one of the most important plants in the north and northeast Brazilian regions, and like many biofuels, it does not have adequate properties to be used as pure fuel, especially under low-temperature conditions. Therefore, researches to improve the physical-chemical properties of these biofuels are needed, one of the most common methods is using additives, usually synthetic ones, which are not environmentally friendly. A good alternative would be to try to found natural compounds with this potential. This paper describes the effects of the addition of two natural compounds, tung biodiesel, and camphor, in the physical properties of babassu biodiesel. These additives were select because of their physical-chemical properties, which can potentially improve the babassu biodiesel ones. They were tested separately, the camphor at the 3, 4, 5, 6 % proportions, and the tung biodiesel at 3, 5, 9, 12 %. The results were compared to biodiesel standards, limited by the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Biofuels (ANP), and for both additives, the 3 % proportion showed the best suited to the quality standards established at the Brazilian normative. Thus, was observed that the camphor and the tung biodiesel has the potential to be efficient additives in babassu biodiesel

Author Biographies

Camila Cassia Cordeiro, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - UNIOESTE

Master's Student, Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering, UNIOESTE, Toledo, Paraná, Brazil

Julio Cezar Girardi, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - UNIOESTE

PhD student, Graduate Program in Energy Engineering in Agriculture, UNIOESTE, Cascavel, Paraná, Brazil

Reinaldo Aparecido Bariccatti, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - UNIOESTE

Professor of the Departments of Chemistry and Energy Engineering in Agriculture, UNIOESTE, Toledo, Paraná, Brazil

Douglas Cardoso Dragunski, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - UNIOESTE

Professor of the Chemistry department, UNIOESTE, Toledo, Paraná, Brazil.

Camila Zeni do Amaral, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - UNIOESTE

Master's Student of the Energy Engineering Course in Agriculture, UNIOESTE, Cascavel, PR, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Cordeiro, C. C., Girardi, J. C., Bariccatti, R. A., Dragunski, D. C., & Zeni do Amaral, C. (2020). Alteration of babassu biodiesel properties through camphor and biodiesel of tung. Semina: Ciências Exatas E Tecnológicas, 41(2), 185–194.



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