Analysis of the apparent temperature of the landscape elementsof the Pedra do Índio microbasin in Alta Floresta-MT
Water Resources, Thermal Analysis, Remote Sensing, Microclimate Changes.Abstract
Both deforestation and land use changes can contribute to climate and regional changes. The reduction of thevegetal cover can imply in the intensification of the drought, by increasing the apparent temperature. In thisconjecture, the objective was to analyze the apparent temperature of Pedra do Indio Microbacia (MPI), aswell as its association with different uses/land cover. For the elaboration of the thematic maps a LANDSATimage (TM sensor) was used, dated 06/13/2010. From the georeferencing, segmentation and classificationprocedures (executed in the SPRING software) the bands 3, 4 and 5 obtained the different uses/coverage andthe band 6 the aparate temperature. The pasture consisted of the main land use in MPI, followed by forestcover. There were associations between the apparent temperature and the different land uses, with the lowestthermal values for water and forest environments, and higher for areas of planted pasture and exposed soil.Due to the importance of forest remnants in perpetuating MPI’s water availability, it is recommended to adoptmeasures that ensure the protection/conservation of these areas.Downloads
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