Synthesis and characterization of Supeparamagnetics Microspheres (pmma) via suspension polymerization
Magnetite, Microspheres, Magnetics polymersAbstract
Magnetic nanoparticles has found many applications in biomedical and technological areas. The objective of this work is the preparation and characterization of PMMA microspheres containing NMPs mainly composed of magnetite (Fe3O4). For the preparation of NMPs coated with oleic acid was used for coprecipitation technique in an aqueous medium. For the preparation of the microspheres used the technique of suspension polymerization and its size was estimated size of approximately 150µm having a spherical morphology, visualized under a light microscope. From the analysis of Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) determined the number average molecular weight (Mw) of the magnetic microspheres. One can observe a variation of the Mw depending on the concentration of Fe3O4. To analyze the magnetic properties used the vibrating sample magnetometer (MAV). The microspheres showed superparamagnetic properties and a value of saturation magnetization (Ms) of about 8 emu/g of Fe3O4. Therefore we may conclude that it is possible to obtain microspheres with superparamagnétic properties for a determined application, such as, biomedical or technology.
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