Mechanical evaluation of brazilian locking bone plates for veterinary use
Orthopedics, Osteosynthesis, Implants, Biomechanics.Abstract
Several surgical implants have been developed to stabilize fractures in humans and animals. Osteosynthesis with Locking Compression Plate (LCP) is a widely used fixation method for the treatment of fractures, angular deviations, arthrodesis, among other surgical techniques. This implant, combined with bone screws, stands out as one of the most used by veterinary orthopedists in Brazil and worldwide. Thus, the present study aims to compare the static and dynamic compressive strength of F138 stainless steel and F67 titanium LCPs from different manufacturers. Four models of Brazilian-made veterinary LCPs were mechanically tested, divided into four groups (G) with fourteen items each, where G1 and G2 consisted of F138 stainless steel LCPs and G3 and G4 of F67 titanium LCPs. Tests were conducted according to the method described in ABNT NBR 15676-2 for static testing and ABNT NBR 15676-3 for dynamic testing. Statistical analysis detected differences in the static compression test. G2 showed better stiffness and strength than G1, whose stiffness and strength were, in turn, greater than G3 and G4. By contrast, no differences were observed between G3 and G4. Differences were detected for dynamic compression testing, obtaining the same results as static testing, that is, G2 exhibited higher maximum moment and cyclic strength than G1, which showed a higher maximum moment and cyclic strength than G3 and G4. Similarly, there was no difference between G3 and G4. Thus, it was concluded that F138 stainless steel compression plates displayed greater static and cyclic strength when compared to F67 titanium plates. Additionally, there were significant differences in the static and cyclic strength tests of the G1 and G2 compression plates, which have similar raw material composition (F138 stainless steel), albeit with statistically different results.
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