Effect of aminoethoxyvinylglycine on biochemical, physicomechanical and colour properties of cv. Braeburn apples


  • Burhan Ozturk University of Gaziosmanpasa
  • Yakup Ozkan University of Gaziosmanpasa
  • Ebubekir Altuntas University of Gaziosmanpasa
  • Kenan Yidiz University of Gaziosmanpasa
  • Onur Saracoglu University of Gaziosmanpasa




Malus domestica Borkh, Colour, FRAP, Phenolic compounds.


The effect of preharvest AVG (aminoethoxyvinylglycine) treatments on the biochemical, physicomechanical properties and colour characteristics of cv. Braeburn apples were determined. AVG was applied in four different doses (0, 100, 300 and 500 mgL-1 AVG) 4 weeks before the estimated harvest date. While the lowest values of total soluble solid content and pH were obtained from 500 mgL-1 AVG treatment, the highest values were obtained from control. The titratable acidity was higher in 500 mgL-1 AVG treatment than those of the 100 and 300 mgL-1 AVG treatments. The highest total phenolic and antioxidant activity of both flesh and skin apple was obtained from control, whereas lowest value was obtained from 500 mgL-1 AVG treatment. With increasing doses of AVG, the total monomeric anthocyanin was reduced. The geometric means: fruit diameter, fruit mass, fruit removal force, flesh and skin firmnesses increased with increasing doses of AVG. The hue angle values of flesh and skin fruit were lower in control.


Biografia do Autor

Burhan Ozturk, University of Gaziosmanpasa

Doctor Prof. Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Gaziosmanpasa, 60240 Tasliciftlik, Tokat-Turkey.

Yakup Ozkan, University of Gaziosmanpasa

Doctor Prof. Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Gaziosmanpasa, 60240 Tasliciftlik, Tokat-Turkey.

Ebubekir Altuntas, University of Gaziosmanpasa

Prof. Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Gaziosmanpasa, 60240 Tasliciftlik, Tokat-Turkey.

Kenan Yidiz, University of Gaziosmanpasa

Doctor Prof. Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Gaziosmanpasa, 60240 Tasliciftlik, Tokat-Turkey.

Onur Saracoglu, University of Gaziosmanpasa

Doctor Prof. Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Gaziosmanpasa, 60240 Tasliciftlik, Tokat-Turkey.




Como Citar

Ozturk, B., Ozkan, Y., Altuntas, E., Yidiz, K., & Saracoglu, O. (2013). Effect of aminoethoxyvinylglycine on biochemical, physicomechanical and colour properties of cv. Braeburn apples. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 34(3), 1111–1120. https://doi.org/10.5433/1679-0359.2013v34n3p1111




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