Prêt-à-porter, discussions on its rise and relation to the French Haute Couture




Prêt-à-porter, Society’s after the Second World War, French fashion. Fashion system


Historical study on prêt-à-porter rise context in France after the Second World War, and its meaning within the World’s Fashion System. This article relates the political project of Paris maintaining as world capital of fashion, the demands of the new elite social groups, the crisis experienced by the Couture Maisons and the meaning given to the elegance. The research methodology focused on the discursive analysis and on the theory of the historical effect aesthetic, having as main sources articles and Elle Magazine editorials, published between 1950- 1970.

Author Biography

Mara Rúbia Sant'Anna, Universidade do Estado de Santa Cataria -UFSC

Doctor in History at UFRGS/EHESS and full professor at the Universidade do Estado de Santa Cataria -UFSC and associate professor at the Université de Strasbourg (Marc Bloch)


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How to Cite

Sant’Anna, M. R. (2011). Prêt-à-porter, discussions on its rise and relation to the French Haute Couture. Projetica, 2(2), 114–127.



Design: Educação, Cultura e Sociedade