Compliance in labor relations: a mechanism for preventing and reducing disadvantageous behavior to guarantee social rights
Compliance. Social rights. Strategic management. Business vitality.Abstract
The objective of this approach is to base compliance as a strategy for preventing and reducing behaviors that impede the guarantees of social rights. It is understood that this routine benefits the work environment in companies, contributes to their growth, strengthens the relationship with society and guarantees the social rights of workers. The problem that guides the research is: Is compliance a tool that encourages good management practices and business organization and contributes to guaranteeing social rights? The analysis methodology is inductive as it prioritizes references to legislation, doctrines and indirect sources. It is demonstrated that from the enforcement of compliance it is possible to maintain a healthy environment, minimizing risks, maximizing strategic management, profitability, individual and group satisfaction, reducing labor liabilities, ensuring social rights and business longevity.
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