Artificial intelligence and semantic web tools applied to information retrieval: a conceptual model with a focus on natural language
Information Retrieval, Semantic Web, Artificial intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Ontology.Abstract
Objective: the present research has as objective the proposition of a model of Information Retrieval, that redraws this field of studies, from the approximation of the computational language with the natural language, using the principles of the representation of the information so that the meaning and the context of the data are explicit for the search process, for this purpose the Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing and the Semantic Web tools are related and related.Methodology: using the quadripolar method, namely: epistemological pole, theoretical pole, technical pole and morphological pole. Furthermore, the research was exploratory, having an applied character.
Results: As results, this Information Retrieval model was created, based on the semantic context and the application of Artificial Intelligence, capable of making natural language the basis of the process, and considering the context and the meaning of the terms for users.
Conclusions: it is pointed out that the present work makes an important approximation between Information Science and Artificial Intelligence, bringing to its scope, especially in the scope of Information Retrieval, real applications of how this second field of studies can improve the area as a whole.
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