Post-truth: a new research object for information science
Epistemology of information science, Post-truth, Fake newsAbstract
Introduction: This text presents the results of a research on the evolution of information science, its concepts and problems, showing how the recent phenomenon of post-truth poses new questions for the area.Objective: The objectives are related to the identification and characterization of the phenomenon of post-truth in order to demonstrate that it represents a new informational reality to challenge the categories previously existing in information science.
Methodology: Literature review and epistemological discussion.
Results: The results point to the need for information science to give centrality to the “truth” attribute of information, in addition to others already studied such as relevance, retrieval, relationship with knowledge, among others.
Conclusions: The phenomenon of the post-truth presents itself as the great contemporary challenge of information science, requiring greater depth in its understanding and the development of actions and strategies to deal with it.
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