he research experience through the undergraduate scientific research programs
Undergraduate scientific research, Experience, ResearchAbstract
Introduction: This article presents a general view of the Undergraduate Research (IC) and High School Research Assistant (ICJ) programs situation in Brazil and its contributions to the student enrolled in the program and to the society. Furthermore, the present study contains reflections based on the perspective of its authors regarding the experience of being a student that decides to get involved with research through IC and ICJ.Objective: To promote knowledge and reflections about the Undergraduate Research students participation in structuring of a scientific research, besides the enhancement of their critical thinking skills and scientific discernment.
Methodology: The reflection proposed in this study comes from an experience report of Clarissa Menna Barreto’s — Undergraduate Research student — and João Pedro Quaresma’s — High School research assistant — participation in the research “Childhood and Communication”, led by researcher Juliana Tonin.
Results: The Undergraduate Research scholarship, for offering to the student the opportunity to try a first contact with the scientific research and graduate studies environment and the chance to embody the everyday life of a true researcher.
Conclusions: The Undergraduate Research program represents a valuable experience for both the student and society, as it helps to build a country more committed to science and education.
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