Reference services in brazilian university libraries




Reference service, University library, Management of Services in libraries


Introduction: the reference services have evolved and changed since the introduction of information and communication technologies in the academic environment. Since its emergence, at the end of the 19th century, great changes have occurred, especially when referring to access to the enormous range of data and information available. The article addresses concepts of reference services and portrays reference services in Brazilian university libraries.
Objective: to characterize Brazilian reference librarians and the environment in which reference services take place.
Methodology: integrates elements of qualitative and quantitative research. For data collection, a questionnaire was used, prepared and made available digitally to 40 librarians working in reference services of Brazilian university libraries.
Results: reveal a majority, female, aged between 35 and 40 years, post-graduated for a maximum of ten years, with higher education in librarianship working in a university library for a maximum of ten years, and in reference services for, at most maximum, five years, linked to a central library or library system and seeking continuous training, in courses, training and events in the area in which it operates, in short periods. Reference services take place digitally and in person, the main information sources are the periodical, theses and dissertations, made available and accessed through information resources and the portal of electronic journals and databases, mainly in the areas of health and biological. The communication process for the reference transaction occurs predominantly with the use of e-mail and landline, social networks are used by most libraries, with Facebook and Twitter being the most used, mainly in the dissemination of products and services. Communication is carried out by librarians, using the Portuguese language.
Conclusions: the reference services in Brazilian university libraries are in full expansion, technologies are being inserted into librarian practice and librarians are looking for professional qualification with a view to improving the services they offer in the libraries in which they operate.


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Author Biographies

Ana Roberta Sousa Mota, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB

PhD in Information and Communication in Digital Platforms from the Universidade do Porto

Maria Manuel Borges, Universidade de Coimbra - UC

PhD in Information Science from the Universidade de Coimbra - UC


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How to Cite

Mota, A. R. S., & Borges, M. M. (2021). Reference services in brazilian university libraries. Informação & Informação, 26(1), 363–390.


