Information and the dialectic of human development


  • Miguel Angel Rendón Rojas Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Dialectic, Information, Dialectics of the Informational Being


Introduction: Information and the human being are two inseparable realities that can not exist without each other. On the one hand, to say "information" implies recognizing a human being who created it and, on the other hand, being before a human being presupposes the existence of information to form, communicate and live in society. This unity, information the human being, manifests itself as an ontological reality: the informational being. Faced with this interdependence arises the concern to analyze how the human information-development relationship appears philosophically from a holistic and dialectical perspective. Objective: The document seeks to explain and to understand the process by which the human being, seen as an informational goes through several stages in his dialectical process to reach his self-knowledge. Methodology: the dialectical method was adopted in this work, because it recognizes the interdependence of opposites without privileging or underestimating any of them and at the same time contemplates reality as something always dynamic. In addition, documentary research was used to identify authors and articles that analyzed the problem. Simultaneously, the hermeneutical method was used to interpret the texts consulted and to establish a dialogue with the proposals of the thinkers who served as theoretical references. The method of analysis and synthesis was another methodological tool adopted and, finally, the deductive method was useful to make the necessary logical inferences in order to obtain the duly substantiated. Conclusions. First, the notions of dialectic and information are analyzed and, in the second moment, these concepts are applied in the analysis of human development from the point of view of informational. Results: The study showed the need to use a dialectic other than Hegelian, because the contradictions are not solved in a superior synthesis, but in which the tension is permanently preserved. As a consequence, there is no direction or term of motion. It has been discovered that the moments of the dialectic: being in oneself, being outside oneself, being for oneself appear in the movement of the informational being as a subject that constructs ideal information, documents as objectification of information and reconstruction of information in its nature ideal when querying documents. Conclusions: it is concluded that information is an indispensable agent for the process of human formation, and in the informative-documentary sphere converge ontology, gnosiology, anthropology and social.


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Author Biography

Miguel Angel Rendón Rojas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Doctor en filosofía. Investigador del Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


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How to Cite

Rendón Rojas, M. A. (2017). Information and the dialectic of human development. Informação & Informação, 22(2), 293–319.


