Social responsibility of the librarian as a literary mediator: analysis in the curricula of undergraduate courses in librarianship in the northeast of Brazil
Librarian, Mediation of Reading, Social responsibilityAbstract
Introduction: It discusses the importance of the formation of librarian's reading skills in the personal and professional scope, for the constitution of this professional as mediator of the reading and teacher of the subject-reader in the ambit of the libraries.
Objective: To identify the subjects that approach the reading theme from the point of view of the social responsibility of the librarian as literary mediator, through the curricula of the librarianship courses of the Northeast region of Brazil.
Methodology: This is a documentary research, exploratory and descriptive, and a qualitative approach. The data collection was done via the web, through the recovery of the Pedagogical Projects of Course (PPC) and the curricular matrices of the courses. Subsequently, a mapping of the curricular components that deal with the subject of reading in the subjects of the librarianship courses in the Northeast was carried out. The analysis involved the compulsory subjects offered by the universe of the nine Federal Universities of the Region that teach the Librarianship course.
Results: After the mapping and identification of the compulsory subjects with reading themes within the scope of social responsibility of the mediator librarian, we had a number of six Federal Institutions, with emphasis on Librarianship courses.
Conclusion: The research evidenced that the formation of the librarian is still not enough to train professionals to interact with the actions of mediation of reading, formation and promotion of reading in the social scope. The vast majority of HEIs offer at most two compulsory subjects, which present questions related to the praxis of reading in the formation of the librarian.
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