The relations between the subjects and the sharing of the experience: formations for implementation of the project 'Memories of Paraisópolis'


  • Simone Borges Paiva Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL)



Intergenerational workshops, Mediation, Narratives


Introduction: The present report is part of a PhD thesis entitled: Intergenerational Workshops: knowledge and experience, cultural mediation and meaning.
Objective: It reports the formation process of educators for the implementation of the project 'Memories of Paraisópolis'.
Methodology: Structured in the form of an account, the present text presents the actions undertaken to allow the processes of enunciation of the narratives of the experience by the educators.
Results: The actions for enunciation and socialization of the experience re-signify the practices undertaken in the investigated context.
Conclusions: The records presented here indicate that the 'Memories of Paraisópolis’ project sought to offer the conditions so that the subjects could tell their stories, giving them not only a voice but also a space for socializing and sharing these voices, inserting them in a context Training and information on which the group of educators was a part.

Author Biography

Simone Borges Paiva, Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL)

PhD from the Graduate Program in Information Science at the School of Communications and Arts (USP). Collaborating Professor at the Department of Information Science at the  Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL)


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How to Cite

Paiva, S. B. (2017). The relations between the subjects and the sharing of the experience: formations for implementation of the project ’Memories of Paraisópolis’. Informação@Profissões, 5(2), 206–227.